Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I was watching the science network this week and I saw two shows on evolution and they seem to have a problem with how the Earth and planets were formed.   On one show the Earth was a ball of hot lava and it took billions of years to cool down and become the planet Earth as we know it.

However, they seem to have one problem.  Where did the water come from, both fresh water and sea water???   If the Earth was a ball of lava if there was any water it would have evaporated over the billions of years it took the earth to cool down. 

The second show showed millions, or it could have been billions of meteors floating around our sun.  They were strung out from the planets closest to the sun, to those in the furthest reaches of our solar system.  They say that as these meteors were floating around our sun, they began to crash into each other.  When the crash occurred the explosion was so great it caused the rocks to melt and this is how the planets were formed.   Yet again, they have no explanation as to how the water got here.  Now, I think that three fourths of the Earth is water and with all the explosions and rocks melting, where was all that water while this was happening???

They put forth this theory as to how we got water.  Inside meteors there are drops of water and after the earth cooled, it was hit by meteors and the drops of water inside of these meteors is what filled up the oceans, lakes, and rivers of our world.  I don't know about you, but I don't see any of this as feasible in millions or billions of years.   Just how many drops do you think it took to fill just one ocean, let alone three fourths of the Earth.

Well, I would like to hear from all who think any of this makes sense.  Let us not forget the other theories evolutionist have put fourth  in the last 150 years.   Even scientists who don't believe in God as the Creator of all life, know that evolution is not the answer.  However, no one has come up with any theory to explain how life was created.  As for me, I know how we got here and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind.  We we created by God!

All theories put forth that exclude God, seem to have more holes than Swiss Cheese.   Even our science finds Creation a viable alternative to all the ever changing theories of evolution.   When you look at the fact that everything is in the exact position to insure the existence and continuance of all life on earth, it points to intelligent design.  The basic flaw of all evolution views is the origin of information in all living beings.  From plants, insects, animals, and mankind all life needs information to exist.  Some in the form of instinct, some is learned and passed on to insure that life will continue.  Information could not originated by itself in a material world, nor is there any possible way for this to happen in a purely material origin of life theory. 

Anyone who has studied evolution knows that what it can't explain is ignored.  While evolutionists have written volumes on the big bang and fossil study, there is nothing on where the matter came from and where are all the missing links.   Every species in existence would have to have an earlier version of itself.   Yet there is not even one.  

I could go on and on and so forth, but I would like to hear from my readers.  Those who disagree must have questions to ask.  I welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and offer scientific evidence for Creation and if I can find any, for Evolution as well.  Yet, knowing the reason evolution is so easily accepted, has nothing to do with science, but everything to do with God.  If you accept Creation, then you accept God.  In so doing, you know that you will be held accountable for your actions.  No matter what you believe now, it is my hope you will look to the truth before it is too late to have hope.  It is my sincere prayer, that you will want to know what is true and look for the answers while you can.