This blog will present scientific evidence showing that Creation is a fact and not a myth. Evolution is based on junk science and is a theory, yet it is taught in the public school system as a fact. I would like to know why our children are taught lies? Why the public school system doesn't present both Creation Science as well as the Theory of Evolution and let the children examine both teachings.
In this blog I will present scientific facts that uphold creation science, also known as Intelligent Design. In each blog I will present evidence on a portion of creation and how it applies to our existence and the world around us. Anyone who reads this blog and disagrees with what I have to say are welcome to refute it with scientific facts that uphold evolution. Also those of you who agree can add what information on this subject also.
I am going to start with what the evolutionists call, "The Big Bang Theory" The facts stated in this blog come from "The Great Dothan Creation/Evolution Debate" held in Dothan, Alabama on November 27, 2007. Between Evolutionist Mr. Rick Pierson an outspoken opponent of Creation, holding degrees in biology and computer science and Dr. Robert Carter, who holds a degree in marine biology. Dr Carter is also actively involved in creationist research on human genetics, briefly outlined why there is no evidence for the evolution of man from apes.
I will save human genetics for another blog, for now I'd like to return to "The Big Bang Theory" which simply states that there was a huge mass of material and one day it just blew apart. This is the beginning of the universe that eventually became life as we know it. However, I have a question about The Big Bang.
Dr. Carter points out, "To believe in pure evolutionary naturalism, one must believe in the miracle of The Big Bang, the miracle of the spontaneous Origin Of Life, the miracle of the origin of complexity, and the miracle of The Origin Of Information. Complexity is the Achilles heel of evolutionary theory. And the fact that information cannot come from random natural processes is the final nail in the evolutionary coffin."
Simply put, the theory of evolution has no foundation, it begins at the big bang, but that is not the beginning. The theory of evolution cannot answer all the questions, starting with the very foundation. Creation begins with God creating matter, or if you want to stay away from religion, you can say, Matter was created by Intelligent Design. Either way Creation Science has a foundation in that matter was created. Without a foundation the whole crumbles.
Evolution begins with atheistic naturalism and grows out from this point of view. This is the type of science that starts with a conclusion and makes the facts fit into a prearranged destination. The problem with so many gaps in evolution is in the progression of facts that lead to the preconceived conclusion. With the advances in science and new discoveries mounting evolution has to continually make changes in its theory to make it fit, in order to arrive at the same conclusion.
I will have to end this for now, but I will return with more proof of Creation to disprove the theory of evolution. I welcome you to disagree if you like or not.
ang 08/30/2010
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