The gaps are huge and the holes as numerous as stars in the night sky. In reading over the facts taught about evolution, I found they avoid discussing the vast gulf between living and non-living matter, single cell and the multicelled creatures, invertebrates and vertebrates. The reason evolutionists avoid these topics is the gaps between these groups are enough to show that molecules-to-man evolution is without foundation.
The theory of evolution is a prime example of junk science. Evolution began with Darwin's theory 150 years ago, since then, they have used bits and pieces and arranged the science to conform to their preconceived conclusion. Rather than following the scientific evidence to uncover the truth. When finding fully developed fossils, evolution's answer is we haven't found the missing links yet. Now, 150 years later and still no missing link, evolution's answer, they take partial fragements and put these fossils together, calling it the missing link. Evolutionists haven't found anything in the fossil record, not even a small section of any creature, that would prove transitional or intermediary forms of life.
Turtles leave more and better fossil remains than do other vertebrates, yet, the oldest known sea turtle was a fully formed turtle, not at all transitional. At its appearence, it had a fully developed system for excreting salt, without which a marine reptile would quickly dehydrate. This is shown by skull cavities which have large salt-excrting glands around the eyes.
All 32 mammal orders appear abruptly and fully formed in the fossil record. From the earliest and most primitive of these members, in no case is there evidence of intermediates showing a series of changes. The fossil evidence, Darwin believed would prove his theory, has in fact shown sudden appearence, proving Creation.
Evolutionists have recovered thousands of tons of fossils, from all over the world, if there was any type of transition taking place they would have found evidence proving their theory. Yet the facts speak for themselves, in revealing fully formed creatures, this indicates sudden appearance, pointing to Creation as the answer to our origin, anything else is a fabrication.
Refuting Evolution, Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D, F.M.
Missing Links, George Gayford Simpson, Paleontologist
Bones of Contention, (Neandertals, Homo erectus) Marvin Luberow
The Links Are Missing, Creation Magazine (
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