Saturday, March 5, 2011


Why should I believe that atheists exist.  They don't believe that God exists, yet I can see all around me evidence of His creation.  Atheists say they don't believe in a God they can't see, yet they believe that there is air all around us and that gravity holds the earth together and all that is on, or we would be floating in space.   Can they see air or gravity?   We all believe in things we can't see, evolutionists believe something can be made from nothing???   I think it takes more faith to believe that, than to believe an immense intelligence with enormous supernatural power created life and all we see around us.  There are certain laws of natural science that cannot be change and that is we cannot create life from non-living particles, nor can we create something out of nothing.  Yet, this is what evolution wants you to believe???   Come on people, you're smarter than that!

I thought about this as I was reading an article in Creation Magazine this morning, entitled, "Do You Believe Richard Dawkins Exists?  It went on to say that we believe in the existence of a person, because we have seen a few pictures and read articles they wrote because their name attached to it, but it could be all made up.  If you haven't seen that person up close and personal, how do you know they are real.  Without direct evidence your belief is based on faith.  It is a reasonable assumption, given what we know about the world around us.

Let me say this again, this is based on what we know, it is a scientific fact, that you can't create something out of nothing.  It is also a fact that life can not come from something that is not alive, nor can it create itself, or make changes in the way it is.  If this were possible, it would make for an interesting combination in the life we see around us.  A person might add wings to their body, it would be nice to be able to fly rather than the usual modes of transportation.   Now that I'm thinking about this, it would be a big mess, what species will volunteer to be at the bottom of the food chain. 

Okay, we aren't looking at that type of change, we are saying that over time the goo, as in primordial soup became a homo sapien.   Then my question is where did the goo come from, or where did the stars and the planets come from.  There are certain facts, (again) that cannot be changed, you can't make something out of nothing,  and life cannot create itself.  If these things were possible, they could be repeated with the scientific knowledge we have today.  Yet that is what evolution tells you.   Well, it takes more faith to believe that evolution is the answer to life, than to believe that God created all life.

In the first book of the Bible it states clearly, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  There was nothing and from nothing God created all life.  Until there is a scientific explaination for where the universe came from and how a dead planet produced life, I'll stick with what I know is the only possible answer.  God created everything. 

Think about this, when the Bible was written, mankind knew next to nothing about science.  Yet, the words that were written over 6,000 years ago are still valid today.  There is no other explaination for life and the universe around us.  Big bang?  That's a big laugh.  Where did the material come from and what made it go, bang.   Evolution starts with the big bang, but that was not the beginning.   God gave us a brain and if you use it to look at what you are being told, you will realize it makes no sense.  Certain laws cannot be changed and until you answer the hard questions, you have nothing.  Evolutionists will say, we don't have all the answers.  They never will, because God is the only logical answer. 

It is my hope to open your eyes to the truth and if you can see beyond your prejudice toward God, you'll realize that evolution is a hoax, it can't work.  It doesn't take a degree to see that, common sense is all you need to see the truth.    

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