When I speak out against the lies taught in the public school system I'm met with outrage. This is the United States of America, not Russia or China! Our government would never allow this! I don't believe this can happen in our country! I am sorry to say that it does and it has for over seventy years.
The National Secular Society, the Humanist Association, and other heavyweight organizations ban together for one purpose. To keep the education system from presenting all views on the origin of life and to prevent teachers from criticizing evolution. In all scientific studies when there are more than one option or theory on a subject all information is presented. Except one, the origin of life. Last May in the UK Philip Bell addressed some pupils at a Religious Education study day at a Church of England School in Exeter, pointing out the flaws in evolution and the scientific evidence to confirm Creation. This caused such an uproar that the "British Center for Science Education" (BCSE) launched its campaign for, "Creationism In Schools Isn't Science" supported by the National Secular Society. They sent a letter signed by a number of prominent scientists demanding that action be taken to prevent creationism being taught in schools. They base their demands on this subject saying it has no scientific validity. Neither does the theory of evolution, but they still teach it as a fact!
These groups have joined together for one purpose, to SILENCE all who would seek to inform children of the short comings of the theory of evolution and to stop them from presenting alternative views of the origins of life. Sir David Attenborough and Prof. Richard Dawkins have joined forces and are calling for "enforceable statutory guidance" that will ban all Creationism and Intelligent Design, so they may not be presented as scientific theories in the public school.
These people are demanding that the belief in "molecules-to-man evolution" be taught as scientifically proven fact. That is not all, they demand and are determined that pupils be denied the possibility of hearing any scientific criticism of this view. Although in the scientific community there is considerable dissent about evolution, many top evolutionary scientists admit there is no possible way for inanimate matter to evolve into living organisms.
In the coming weeks I will present more scientific evidence to disprove the so-called theory of evolution and look into the reasons that shape the minds of intelligent people who go to great lengths to keep the truth out of the education system and the minds of children. Respected and educated individuals who refuse to consider the facts and cling to a theory that has more holes than Swiss cheese. I intend to supply my readers with the truth that has been kept hidden from us all, since our childhood, and the reasons behind the lie.
Read the facts of this incredible conspiracy before you decide and think about why the truth would be hidden.
The National Secular Society, the Humanist Association, and other heavyweight organizations ban together for one purpose. To keep the education system from presenting all views on the origin of life and to prevent teachers from criticizing evolution. In all scientific studies when there are more than one option or theory on a subject all information is presented. Except one, the origin of life. Last May in the UK Philip Bell addressed some pupils at a Religious Education study day at a Church of England School in Exeter, pointing out the flaws in evolution and the scientific evidence to confirm Creation. This caused such an uproar that the "British Center for Science Education" (BCSE) launched its campaign for, "Creationism In Schools Isn't Science" supported by the National Secular Society. They sent a letter signed by a number of prominent scientists demanding that action be taken to prevent creationism being taught in schools. They base their demands on this subject saying it has no scientific validity. Neither does the theory of evolution, but they still teach it as a fact!
These groups have joined together for one purpose, to SILENCE all who would seek to inform children of the short comings of the theory of evolution and to stop them from presenting alternative views of the origins of life. Sir David Attenborough and Prof. Richard Dawkins have joined forces and are calling for "enforceable statutory guidance" that will ban all Creationism and Intelligent Design, so they may not be presented as scientific theories in the public school.
These people are demanding that the belief in "molecules-to-man evolution" be taught as scientifically proven fact. That is not all, they demand and are determined that pupils be denied the possibility of hearing any scientific criticism of this view. Although in the scientific community there is considerable dissent about evolution, many top evolutionary scientists admit there is no possible way for inanimate matter to evolve into living organisms.
In the coming weeks I will present more scientific evidence to disprove the so-called theory of evolution and look into the reasons that shape the minds of intelligent people who go to great lengths to keep the truth out of the education system and the minds of children. Respected and educated individuals who refuse to consider the facts and cling to a theory that has more holes than Swiss cheese. I intend to supply my readers with the truth that has been kept hidden from us all, since our childhood, and the reasons behind the lie.
Read the facts of this incredible conspiracy before you decide and think about why the truth would be hidden.
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