Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Do you think that planet earth is coming to the end of its existence?  Well, let's look at the record of those who live on this planet.  We are a race of people known for our destructive habits. We are selfish, greed driven individuals who act before they think and never learn from our past mistakes.  Look at the past, we have always been at war with someone for some reason, this hasn't changed since, well never, we are always at war!

Have we destroyed this planet?  Yes, we have!  Why? Because we never have enough, we always want more and we don't think before we act.  One more thing, read the writing on the wall. You're not paying attention!  Take a serious look at the world around you.  The governments of the world have know about the extent of damage to our planet since 1950, maybe earlier than that. I'm going to give you a portion of what is happening all around us.  Hopefully this will make you aware of what is happening to our world, this is the first part.

We no longer have weather, we have destructive storms.  The reason this is happening is because of the changes we've made in the surface the the planet.  Big business has taken the resources on and in the earth and made billions.  While they could have used some of that money to repair the damage to the planet, but their greed turned a blind eye to what they were doing.  The weather is only one part of what is happening to this planet, yet it has claimed the lives of millions and the cost is beyond billions and trillions of dollars.  

When the governments of the world began to understand that all the taking we had done would produce consequences, they ignored it, having more pressing matters to worry about.  It wasn't until some people understood what was happening and began making noise about the environment that a few small measures were put into law.  That's the sad part, the measures they took were too insignificant to be of any use.  Big business stepped in and fought these changes because they were too expensive and would lower the profit margin.  These fights went on for decades and little of use was done in the mean time to help this planet or stop the wanton destruction they were causing. 

The day finally arrived when the governments of the world realized that the people who were making all the noise about the environment were more than "Tree Huggers".  They knew that the damage caused would effect the whole world in ways they never considered.  The time had arrived for the world to open its eyes and take action, but it was too late.  The damage was so far beyond repair and growing by leaps and bounds, all the fail safes had been removed and it was like a snowball going down hill, unstoppable.

To be continued!

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