Monday, November 28, 2011


In order for a working model to work, it must have all its parts, from the most simple forms to those more complex.  First you need all the parts, with a diagram and instructions to follow in order to construct and put together whatever it is that you're making.  Let's start with a simple dollhouse, and a person who is able to follow instructions and put together all the pieces.(that's not me)  

A dollhouse is not a living, breathing, organism.  It is inanimate parts, each made according to specifications that relate to this building, if there is a mistake or if any part is left out, it will change the outcome of the finished product.  Depending on the importance of the part in connection with the building.  If you leave out a window, you'll have a square shaped section with no corresponding piece to fit it, but if it is a part of the foundation you will not be able to complete the project.

Now let's look at the human race, it wasn't too long ago that we finally discovered the blueprints to our own construction.  A design so complex that until the invention of computers that needed to breakdown the DNA structure, it was impossible to put together all the information that went into our design.  There is an enormous amount of information that went into the making of one human and each and everyone of us has a different code, or design.  This code is also present in plants and animals showing that they were designed by an intelligence that goes beyond what our mind could conceive. 

Just thinking about what went into the design of all we have in our world is enough to send my mind into overload.  The human DNA strand has so much information that without the assistance of a computer it would take four years to breakdown and collect all the information on one person's DNA.  And let me add that each and everyone of us has a different code.  With all we've learned and all the decades of work in laboratories, we cannot create the simplest form of life and certainly nothing that comes close to human. What they have done is change what already exists, but it is a scientific fact that without information life could never exist.

I hope you will think about what I've written here and form your own conclusions as to the origin of life.  The process of making a working model is mind boggling, and to think all life some how put it self together, well now, that is plain to see and totally impossible. I'll be back with more information on Creation next year. 

Have a "Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year" enjoy time with your family for we are the best part of each other, love one another!


Monday, October 10, 2011


Christians are considered a threat to the theory of evolution for exposing the lie of molecules-to-man.  When in fact, everything we know about science indicates there is no possible way that ordinary chemicals, or inanimate matter would self-assemble to form living cells.  How is it possible for these same cells to combine until they formed a fish, then the fish grew legs and walked on land.  This ridiculous myth continues as the fish gives birth to birds, reptiles, mammals, monkeys, and finally man.  And they say evolutionists don't have faith.

Many top evolutionary scientists have no idea how inanimate matter could evolved into living organisms.  The co-discoverer of DNA, Francis Crick admitted, "The origin of life seems almost to be a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going."  Top evolutionary scientist Professor Stuart Kaufman wrote, "Anyone who tells you he or she knows how life started on earth is a fool or a knave.  No one knows."  Committed evolutionist and former director of the human genome project Francis Collins wrote, "No current hypothesis comes close to explaining how, the prebiotic environment that existed on planet earth gave rise to life."  The more scientists learn about what went into the creation of life, the sheer magnitude of information detailed in our DNA prove evolution as a desperate attempt to disqualify Creation, or intelligent design.

Everything we know about science confirms that ordinary chemicals would not self-assemble to form living cells.  Laws of chemistry dictate that the bio polymers required for life would break down rather than build themselves.  If by some miracle they did self-assemble, it is absurd to imagine that undirected processes would cause them to have the correct form.  Informed evolutionists know all this very well-- but still are committed to the religion of scientism, that everything around us can and should be explained only by natural process.  They ignore the scientific facts because it is unthinkable to them that a Creator, God is responsible for biological life.  Such thinking makes it quite clear that the evolution/creation debate is not about science; it is about one worldview verses another.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011


When I speak out against the lies taught in  the public school system I'm met with outrage.   This is the United States of America, not Russia or China!   Our government would never allow this!   I don't believe this can happen in our country!   I am sorry to say that  it does and it has for over seventy years.

The National Secular Society, the Humanist Association, and other heavyweight organizations ban together for one purpose.   To keep the education system from presenting all views on the origin of life and to prevent teachers from criticizing evolution.   In all scientific studies when there are more than one option or theory on a subject all information is presented.   Except one, the origin of life.  Last May in the UK Philip Bell addressed some pupils at a Religious Education study day at a Church of England School in Exeter, pointing out the flaws in evolution and the scientific evidence to confirm Creation.   This caused such an uproar that the "British Center for Science Education"  (BCSE)  launched its campaign for, "Creationism In Schools Isn't Science"  supported by the National Secular Society.   They sent a letter signed by a number of prominent scientists demanding that action be taken to   prevent creationism being taught in schools.   They base their demands on this subject saying it has no scientific validity.  Neither does the theory of evolution, but they still teach it as a fact!

These groups have joined together for one purpose, to SILENCE all who would seek to inform children of the short comings of the theory of evolution and to stop them from presenting alternative views of the origins of life.  Sir David Attenborough and Prof. Richard Dawkins have joined forces and are calling for  "enforceable statutory guidance"  that will  ban all Creationism and Intelligent Design, so they may not be presented as scientific theories in the public school.

These people are demanding that the belief in "molecules-to-man evolution" be taught as scientifically proven fact.  That is not all, they demand and are determined that pupils be denied the possibility of hearing any scientific criticism of this view.   Although in the scientific community there is considerable dissent about evolution, many top evolutionary scientists admit there is no possible way for inanimate matter to evolve into living organisms.

In the coming weeks I will present more scientific evidence to disprove the so-called theory of evolution and look into the reasons that shape the minds of intelligent people who go to great lengths to keep the truth out of the education system and the minds of children.   Respected and educated individuals who refuse to consider the facts and cling to a theory that has more holes than Swiss cheese.   I intend to supply my readers with the truth that has been kept hidden from us all, since our childhood,  and the reasons behind the lie.

Read the facts of this incredible conspiracy before you decide and think about why the truth would be hidden.     

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


How to get from evolution to E.T., you might think it's a leap, but in reality it's one baby step.  If you can believe in the THEORY of evolution as if it were scientific fact, then why not believe in the reality of Extra Terrestrial Lifeforms.  This is how it's done.  If you tell someone something over and over again, year after year, sooner or sooner, they will believe it.  This is how we've been brainwashed into believing that evolution is a reality.

From grade school to high school you've been taught that life evolved from ape to man.  Yet, have you ever been presented with a alternative to life on planet earth.  Any scientific theory presented is always inclusive, with all theories on the subject presented.  Thus allowing you to form your own opinions, except  evolution, you are given one theory on this subject and it is not presented as a theory, it is just presented, leaving you with the assumption that it is a fact.

The biggest problem with this particular set of facts is there is no beginning.  When I was in the public school system evolution began with a picture of an ape and showed a progression of pictures of ape to man.  I believe they still use this picture.  But, when I was taught about the origin of mankind, it started with an ape and through millions or billions of years this ape became a man.  There was no before, the planet earth started with dinosaurs, they disappeared and then there were apes, some apes stayed as apes, others evolved into the human race.

We didn't question where the earth came from, the atmosphere, the plants, the universe, or anything else.  Yet all things will sooner or sooner be questioned and once the question is out there, you have to come up with an answer.  So it went with evolution, and welcome the big bang THEORY.  Once again, there was no beginning.  Where did all the materials come from and what caused it to explode.  Again evolutionists were faced with the problem of questions, questions they couldn't answer.  There was a whole universe of matter that came into being and evolution couldn't answer the questions of where and how. 

I have to leave you now and hopefully you'll think about what I have written here.  I assure you I have more on this subject and will continue with more theories.  I will present everything that was incorporated into the theory of evolution, except I still cannot locate the beginning.   Every planet, star, moon, atmosphere, plant, and all forms of life have one thing in common, sudden appearance.  Evolution will never explain how all these were created from nothing, but I will give you the answer to that also and once you have everything laid out before you, I think the answer will be self-evident, and hopefully you will take a new look and decide for yourself. 

This is the most important question you will ever be asked and in the answer your immortal soul it is at risk.  If you do nothing else research this subject and find out the truth.  Ask yourself why the public school system never presented alternitives to evolution, when there is an alternitive.  Other subjects are  taught and presented with all views.  Why not this one?  Seek and you will find out the truth.  Make up your own mind, don't allow it to be made up for you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Do you think that planet earth is coming to the end of its existence?  Well, let's look at the record of those who live on this planet.  We are a race of people known for our destructive habits. We are selfish, greed driven individuals who act before they think and never learn from our past mistakes.  Look at the past, we have always been at war with someone for some reason, this hasn't changed since, well never, we are always at war!

Have we destroyed this planet?  Yes, we have!  Why? Because we never have enough, we always want more and we don't think before we act.  One more thing, read the writing on the wall. You're not paying attention!  Take a serious look at the world around you.  The governments of the world have know about the extent of damage to our planet since 1950, maybe earlier than that. I'm going to give you a portion of what is happening all around us.  Hopefully this will make you aware of what is happening to our world, this is the first part.

We no longer have weather, we have destructive storms.  The reason this is happening is because of the changes we've made in the surface the the planet.  Big business has taken the resources on and in the earth and made billions.  While they could have used some of that money to repair the damage to the planet, but their greed turned a blind eye to what they were doing.  The weather is only one part of what is happening to this planet, yet it has claimed the lives of millions and the cost is beyond billions and trillions of dollars.  

When the governments of the world began to understand that all the taking we had done would produce consequences, they ignored it, having more pressing matters to worry about.  It wasn't until some people understood what was happening and began making noise about the environment that a few small measures were put into law.  That's the sad part, the measures they took were too insignificant to be of any use.  Big business stepped in and fought these changes because they were too expensive and would lower the profit margin.  These fights went on for decades and little of use was done in the mean time to help this planet or stop the wanton destruction they were causing. 

The day finally arrived when the governments of the world realized that the people who were making all the noise about the environment were more than "Tree Huggers".  They knew that the damage caused would effect the whole world in ways they never considered.  The time had arrived for the world to open its eyes and take action, but it was too late.  The damage was so far beyond repair and growing by leaps and bounds, all the fail safes had been removed and it was like a snowball going down hill, unstoppable.

To be continued!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Today I'd like to write about "UFOLOGY" that is the belief in UFOs.  I know, you knew that, but it's so ridiculous, I don't know where to start.  The same people who say there is no God, believe in aliens. What's that about?  They say there is no scientific evidence to prove that God exists, but in the next breath, insist that aliens are out there and they're going to save the earth.
However, there is absolutely no evidence of UFO's or aliens, except the people who say they saw them or were kidnapped by them.  There are pictures of lights in the sky and some call them UFO's.

How does this tie into evolution?
The "No God People", as I like to call them, seem to think aliens landed here and spliced their DNA with that of apes or some other type of monkey and that's what evolved into the human race.  Actually, hard core evolutionists like, Steven Hawking, have jumped on the alien/ape mix bandwagon too.  Many of these evolutionists hope to plug up some of the holes in Darwin's  theory with alien DNA.

One of the biggest problems with evolution is the amount of information in our DNA.  They can't explain where this information came from, so now they know.  It was aliens.  No, it was black holes!  No, it was lightning and primordial soup.  Every time they dream up a new way to explain evolution, there's a new program on the discovery channel.  Yet, all the programs and speculation in the world can't explain the mountain of information that went into the complex design of one human or for that matter into the simplest of organisms.   

The creation of our world and everything in it, is a complex design.  It was created to work together in such a way as to be self renewing and to supply all the needs of all life on the planet.  Regardless of the area, whether tropical or arctic climates.  All life was created to survive in whatever climate it was in and to adapt to this climate.  The information was built into all life forms, and that is where evolution hits another wall.  There is nothing in this theory that allows for the information that designed life and gave it the ability to adapt.  Evolution says life created itself independent of any other life on the earth.  The problem with that is all life is dependant on other life to exist, plants and animals alike .  Life can't exist as a single entity, all life depends on each other for its survival. 

It took an intelligence far beyond what we can comprehend to create the world we live in and insure its continued existence.  The amount of information that is encoded in the simplest life form in our world is so far beyond anything we can create in laboratories that use the best computers technology has to offer.  If it was so easy for life to create itself, we would have been able to duplicate this process by now and created life.  However, with all our science and technology all our scientists have been able to do is change what already exists.   The facts show that we cannot create life,  it took an vast intellect that is so far beyond our own to create the world we live in.  It is such an overwhelming amount of information that went into the creation of life,  that mankind had to develop computers to analyze the code that is within us from conception. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I was watching the science network this week and I saw two shows on evolution and they seem to have a problem with how the Earth and planets were formed.   On one show the Earth was a ball of hot lava and it took billions of years to cool down and become the planet Earth as we know it.

However, they seem to have one problem.  Where did the water come from, both fresh water and sea water???   If the Earth was a ball of lava if there was any water it would have evaporated over the billions of years it took the earth to cool down. 

The second show showed millions, or it could have been billions of meteors floating around our sun.  They were strung out from the planets closest to the sun, to those in the furthest reaches of our solar system.  They say that as these meteors were floating around our sun, they began to crash into each other.  When the crash occurred the explosion was so great it caused the rocks to melt and this is how the planets were formed.   Yet again, they have no explanation as to how the water got here.  Now, I think that three fourths of the Earth is water and with all the explosions and rocks melting, where was all that water while this was happening???

They put forth this theory as to how we got water.  Inside meteors there are drops of water and after the earth cooled, it was hit by meteors and the drops of water inside of these meteors is what filled up the oceans, lakes, and rivers of our world.  I don't know about you, but I don't see any of this as feasible in millions or billions of years.   Just how many drops do you think it took to fill just one ocean, let alone three fourths of the Earth.

Well, I would like to hear from all who think any of this makes sense.  Let us not forget the other theories evolutionist have put fourth  in the last 150 years.   Even scientists who don't believe in God as the Creator of all life, know that evolution is not the answer.  However, no one has come up with any theory to explain how life was created.  As for me, I know how we got here and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind.  We we created by God!

All theories put forth that exclude God, seem to have more holes than Swiss Cheese.   Even our science finds Creation a viable alternative to all the ever changing theories of evolution.   When you look at the fact that everything is in the exact position to insure the existence and continuance of all life on earth, it points to intelligent design.  The basic flaw of all evolution views is the origin of information in all living beings.  From plants, insects, animals, and mankind all life needs information to exist.  Some in the form of instinct, some is learned and passed on to insure that life will continue.  Information could not originated by itself in a material world, nor is there any possible way for this to happen in a purely material origin of life theory. 

Anyone who has studied evolution knows that what it can't explain is ignored.  While evolutionists have written volumes on the big bang and fossil study, there is nothing on where the matter came from and where are all the missing links.   Every species in existence would have to have an earlier version of itself.   Yet there is not even one.  

I could go on and on and so forth, but I would like to hear from my readers.  Those who disagree must have questions to ask.  I welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and offer scientific evidence for Creation and if I can find any, for Evolution as well.  Yet, knowing the reason evolution is so easily accepted, has nothing to do with science, but everything to do with God.  If you accept Creation, then you accept God.  In so doing, you know that you will be held accountable for your actions.  No matter what you believe now, it is my hope you will look to the truth before it is too late to have hope.  It is my sincere prayer, that you will want to know what is true and look for the answers while you can.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Why should I believe that atheists exist.  They don't believe that God exists, yet I can see all around me evidence of His creation.  Atheists say they don't believe in a God they can't see, yet they believe that there is air all around us and that gravity holds the earth together and all that is on, or we would be floating in space.   Can they see air or gravity?   We all believe in things we can't see, evolutionists believe something can be made from nothing???   I think it takes more faith to believe that, than to believe an immense intelligence with enormous supernatural power created life and all we see around us.  There are certain laws of natural science that cannot be change and that is we cannot create life from non-living particles, nor can we create something out of nothing.  Yet, this is what evolution wants you to believe???   Come on people, you're smarter than that!

I thought about this as I was reading an article in Creation Magazine this morning, entitled, "Do You Believe Richard Dawkins Exists?  It went on to say that we believe in the existence of a person, because we have seen a few pictures and read articles they wrote because their name attached to it, but it could be all made up.  If you haven't seen that person up close and personal, how do you know they are real.  Without direct evidence your belief is based on faith.  It is a reasonable assumption, given what we know about the world around us.

Let me say this again, this is based on what we know, it is a scientific fact, that you can't create something out of nothing.  It is also a fact that life can not come from something that is not alive, nor can it create itself, or make changes in the way it is.  If this were possible, it would make for an interesting combination in the life we see around us.  A person might add wings to their body, it would be nice to be able to fly rather than the usual modes of transportation.   Now that I'm thinking about this, it would be a big mess, what species will volunteer to be at the bottom of the food chain. 

Okay, we aren't looking at that type of change, we are saying that over time the goo, as in primordial soup became a homo sapien.   Then my question is where did the goo come from, or where did the stars and the planets come from.  There are certain facts, (again) that cannot be changed, you can't make something out of nothing,  and life cannot create itself.  If these things were possible, they could be repeated with the scientific knowledge we have today.  Yet that is what evolution tells you.   Well, it takes more faith to believe that evolution is the answer to life, than to believe that God created all life.

In the first book of the Bible it states clearly, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  There was nothing and from nothing God created all life.  Until there is a scientific explaination for where the universe came from and how a dead planet produced life, I'll stick with what I know is the only possible answer.  God created everything. 

Think about this, when the Bible was written, mankind knew next to nothing about science.  Yet, the words that were written over 6,000 years ago are still valid today.  There is no other explaination for life and the universe around us.  Big bang?  That's a big laugh.  Where did the material come from and what made it go, bang.   Evolution starts with the big bang, but that was not the beginning.   God gave us a brain and if you use it to look at what you are being told, you will realize it makes no sense.  Certain laws cannot be changed and until you answer the hard questions, you have nothing.  Evolutionists will say, we don't have all the answers.  They never will, because God is the only logical answer. 

It is my hope to open your eyes to the truth and if you can see beyond your prejudice toward God, you'll realize that evolution is a hoax, it can't work.  It doesn't take a degree to see that, common sense is all you need to see the truth.    

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I was watching the science channel this week and the evolutionists have changed their theory, again.  How anyone can believe anything they say, is beyond my comprehension.  They don't even agree with each other.  This latest origin of life theory really had me laughing, but I thought I'd pass it on to all the people who are interested in where we came from.  I know who created all life, but for of you who are looking away from God, I give you the new theory.

It seems that science is now looking to black holes which form from gigantic stars that explode.  When they explode the send out all types of rays, gamma and others I can't remember.  Anyway, when these rays reach the earth they somehow caused a reaction that led to life. I believe they said that oxygen and hydrogen and other building blocks of life come from these exploding stars, the ones that turn into black holes. 

When stars begin to die it takes them a very long time, billions of years.  But, finally they die with a big explosion.  Some stars turn into white dwarfs, that's the smaller stars, the really big ones it seems turn into back holes.  How they know this, is another story, with much conjecture involved.  Yet, it sounds very scientific to the untrained ear and I am sure this new theory will garner many followers.  I mean, if I evolved from anything other than God, I guess a black hole would be a better choice than a monkey. 

Well folks, there you have it, you can rest easy, your ancestors did not come from monkeys. Does that make you feel better?  Now you have another choice, black holes, monkeys, spacemen, and God.  What I will never understand, is how so many can claim that a Super Natural Being could not be responsible for creation and with the same breath say it was spacemen, monkeys, or black holes.  Why these theories gain acceptance as being logical, I find difficult to believe. 

They are all partial theories, not one of them can explain where the matter came from to create the earth, stars, and everything else that went into the universe.  Only one explanation gives you the answer to where matter came from.  It's in a book called, "The Bible" the very first chapter of this book is Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  To date no one can find a way to create something out of nothing.  Until that happens, I'll stick with God as the Creator.  

The truth of the matter is very simple.  No one wants to be held accountable for their actions in life, if God is the Creator then you will be called into account for what you've done with your life.  That is the true reason the masses chose evolution, not because it makes sense, but because it frees them to commit all kinds of atrocities and never having to pay the price for their actions. Listen to the news man's inhumanity to man and woman alike is enough to make us all take note that evil is growing in this world of ours.  

Whether you chose to believe will not altar the truth, it has never been about evolution verses creation.  It is about God, if you accept Him as the Creator, then you will have to account for your actions.  If you believe this or not, makes no difference at all, we will all stand before our Creator and account for what we have done with the life He gave us. I don't know if what I write here will reach you and lead you to the truth, I can only hope.

In all I have written before this, I gave you the facts of Creation verses evolution.  This time I wanted to tell you outright what I know in my heart to be the truth.  Perhaps you will take the time to investigate the scientific facts and the theology behind what I am writing here, and your souls can be saved or you will slam the doors of your heart closed and you will die in your sins.  God has given us free will to chose where we will spend eternity, I hope for the sake of your souls you will at least look into the possibility of a Creator.

Do not think I am writing this and pointing a finger at you, I am not.  I am a sinner and would have died a sinner,  But, God in His infinite mercy sent a woman to tell me how much He loves me and I answered the call.  Our bible says, God sent His Son, Jesus to save sinners.  A righteous person cannot be saved, they believe they don't need saving.  Our bible also says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  I am writing this in the hope you will read it and what I have said will touch your heart and you will be saved.  I am not pointing a finger, I am talking from my heart hoping God's love will touch yours.

I heard this last week, if you will take your hand and point with one finger, then look at your hand.  You will find three fingers pointing back at you.  True believers, know God loves us all, no matter what we have done and we have all done something wrong.  We all point the way to salvation in Jesus Christ.  If you are without Christ, you will die in your sins.  All you have to do is ask Jesus to help you know the truth and you will be amazed at what happens.

Any and all comments are welcomed.


Friday, February 11, 2011


Interdependency life means that all life depends on life in the world around it to exist.  We are learning that lesson as we realize the damage we've done to the world we live in, it has come back to bite us on the butt.  All other life on planet Earth, lives in concert with the world around them, except for mankind.  We are the destroyers of this planet and in turn we have destroyed ourselves in the process.   How could this happen?  There are several answers to this question.

First and most importantly, we turned our back on God and the Bible.  When God created this world He gave us everything we needed to live and to keep this He gave us His book, "The Bible" telling us how to care for the world He created.  Yet, from the beginning, in the garden of Eden, we wanted to be equal to God and do things our own way.  So God put us out on our own allowing us to make of this world what we wanted.  God gave us knowledge of good and evil and made us masters over the world He created.  

God is a loving Father and He knew we needed help.  He gave us prophets and He gave a book, "The Bible" to guide us in the life we had chosen.  However, we were greedy and although we had instructions from God we wanted to do it our way.  We sinned against God, turning our back on our Creator we used this world  to satisfy our greed, dumping wastes, poisons, and raping it of all it had to offer.  Our greed led to wars as we killed each other and committed horrible acts to gain land, to take what belonged to others for ourselves.  

The strong stepped on the weaker nations and in our greed to control more we used our intelligence to invent weapons that conquered and subjugated those who worked the land and lived in peace.   Bringing war to every nation in this world, and as we grew smarter, we learned to create weapons of mass destruction filling the world with bombs that annihilated entire cities in seconds.  When our enemies began to make their own bombs, we made bigger ones and they made even bigger bombs, until we realized we could destroy the whole planet if these nations went to war.

We kept making bombs, although no one used them.  They existed as a threat to keep each other in check.  That wasn't enough we decided to make diseases which caused death and left the land to conquer.  That too back fired on is and now we have aids.  This taught us that using germ warfare we could not control where the germs went and again we realize we could destroy the whole world.

Through all this we turned our back on God and invented evolution to take His place.  This lie has grown and it is an infection that is trying to keep our children from the truth.  It is an insidious lie that has wormed its way into the minds of our children through the public education system for the past 90 years.   

This world is reaching its end and everyone will have to chose a side.  I pray that my country, the United States of America will wake up before it's too late.   If we continue to turn away from God things will not get better and this country will fall to ruin.  If you read this I pray the truth will reach you and your children.  America is a dying nation and in turning our back on God we have sealed our fate.  My hope is that this country will wake up and see that the founding fathers of this country knew we needed God and because of that we became a great nation. Now we have a president who is totally against God and he will destroy America.  Perhaps the end of the world is near and what God has ordained, no man or fallen angel can change.  

I pray this country will turn back to God for it is our only salvation anything else will lead to destruction.  We were, "One Nation under God."  Now we are a nation that is falling apart without God.  Just look at the history of this country and from the time we started to turn away from God, we began to go down hill!  It's right there in front of you if you look for the truth you will find it, the lie will lead this country to death!  

Saturday, January 8, 2011


The truth of the matter is that facts don't speak at all. People with bias oppinions arrange the facts to give credence to their beliefs. I am not writing this to blow holes in everything you believe, we are able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions as to what we chose believe. I challenge you to take the time and read the information available and check out the so called facts for yourselves. Living in an age where information is at your fingertips, all you need to do is turn on your computer.

Evolutionists say that things make themselves and that no divine intervention has happened. The framework behind evolution is the interpretation reached by placing only the facts that agree with their assumptions in such a way as to sound plausable. The problem with this is that if you research this subject, you'll find that the theory has no beginning, that there is no orderly progression leading to or providing scientific evidence in this theory. You will find that evolutionists say they are still looking for the answers and what they provide is a hodge podge of unconnected assumptions that try to prove an idea that can never be proven.

Mathematicians, biologists, atheists, and scientists of this day have written, "Evolution is a theory universally accepted not because it can be proven by logical evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, creation, is clearly incredible.

The answer to this question is not based on biased religious creationists verses scientific evolutionists, but belief in God as the Creator, verses secular humanism.