Monday, November 28, 2011


In order for a working model to work, it must have all its parts, from the most simple forms to those more complex.  First you need all the parts, with a diagram and instructions to follow in order to construct and put together whatever it is that you're making.  Let's start with a simple dollhouse, and a person who is able to follow instructions and put together all the pieces.(that's not me)  

A dollhouse is not a living, breathing, organism.  It is inanimate parts, each made according to specifications that relate to this building, if there is a mistake or if any part is left out, it will change the outcome of the finished product.  Depending on the importance of the part in connection with the building.  If you leave out a window, you'll have a square shaped section with no corresponding piece to fit it, but if it is a part of the foundation you will not be able to complete the project.

Now let's look at the human race, it wasn't too long ago that we finally discovered the blueprints to our own construction.  A design so complex that until the invention of computers that needed to breakdown the DNA structure, it was impossible to put together all the information that went into our design.  There is an enormous amount of information that went into the making of one human and each and everyone of us has a different code, or design.  This code is also present in plants and animals showing that they were designed by an intelligence that goes beyond what our mind could conceive. 

Just thinking about what went into the design of all we have in our world is enough to send my mind into overload.  The human DNA strand has so much information that without the assistance of a computer it would take four years to breakdown and collect all the information on one person's DNA.  And let me add that each and everyone of us has a different code.  With all we've learned and all the decades of work in laboratories, we cannot create the simplest form of life and certainly nothing that comes close to human. What they have done is change what already exists, but it is a scientific fact that without information life could never exist.

I hope you will think about what I've written here and form your own conclusions as to the origin of life.  The process of making a working model is mind boggling, and to think all life some how put it self together, well now, that is plain to see and totally impossible. I'll be back with more information on Creation next year. 

Have a "Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year" enjoy time with your family for we are the best part of each other, love one another!


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